From Principal Desk
Dr. Shail Joshi
“Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who don’t rest on the laurels of past”
Education is process to cause transformation to the finest of our thoughts & deeds. This is the institution that provide opportunities for the development of young mind in a secular and conducive atmosphere. Along with academics we promote highest ethical Principles in scientific research, critical thinking, technological, educational and social changes.
टैगलाइन: # चुनाव का पर्व, देश का गर्व
Election Related News & Circular
- Voter Helpline Portal
- Song in Hindi Click here -"मै भारत हूँ, हम भारत के मतदाता है "
- Song in Multilingual Verison Click here -"मै भारत हूँ, हम भारत के मतदाता है "
- Voter Guide
- Comic for Voter Awareness
- शासकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय खरगोन के नवमतदाता विद्यार्थी इस लिंक से वोटर प्लेज (मतदाता शपथ) ले। और मतदाता शपथ प्रमाणपत्र डाऊनलोड कर "# मेरा पहला वोट" लिखकर सोशल मीडिया हैंडल पर शेयर करे - Click here
To impart higher education to the students specially from the tribal area, dependent on agriculture and labour so that they become an active and worthwhile for society and help in the development of country.
- To educate and empower the learners to realize their credential through ethical blending of knowledge skills and values for serving the society.
- To generate experts in the field of science, arts and commerce to accelerate socio-economic growth of the country.
- To empower the rural and tribal students through the use of modern technology, various curricular and extra-curricular programs and make them employable.
- To provide quality based education to the students.
- To maintain discipline among the students.
- To generate the feeling of self-confidence and self-esteem to the students.
- To impart moral values and ideals to the students in order to make them good citizens of our Nation.
- To utilize available resources at its maximum in order to fulfill the vision and mission of the institute.
Locate Us
Govt. P.G. College, Bistan Road, Khargone (M.P.) - 451001
Telephone - +91-7282-241562
Fax No.- +91-7282-241963
E-mail -
Website handled by -
Prof. Tanmay Gole & Prof. Rahul Manwe
Department of Computer
Prof. Tanmay Gole & Prof. Rahul Manwe
Department of Computer